AIC’s plant accommodates single-phase mixtures, two-phase emulsions, as well as alcohol-based and powdered products. Our plant runs multiple production lines simultaneously to ensure fast turnaround times on customer requests.
Provided by customer
Provided by AIC
Provided by AIC, customised by you
Developed exclusively for your use by AIC
Printing labels and custom boxes with your own designs.
The container is only labelled with coding. Products are boxed in AIC boxes.
*Requires labels
Choose your own bottle and label designs. AIC can apply branding to both your containers and your boxes.
Choose your own bottle and label designs. AIC can apply branding to both your containers and your boxes.
*Ensure your labels contain all the information required, for more info, check out our blog article here
**All formulas remain the property of Antiseptol unless otherwise agreed
Reach out to AIC’s sales team to arrange a needs assessment meeting.