AIC’s giving back: Walking Tall with Pride.
Antiseptol International Company (AIC) joined the Walking Tall with Pride team at their weekly charity drive. At this event, AIC and other sponsors donated food and personal care products to needy people.

Walking TALL With Pride is an initiative that provides people in need with a hot meal and some life essentials such as clothing and groceries once per week.
AIC’s Sales Manager, Debbie Farah, was there on the day. She handed out hair shampoo, hair conditioner and hand sanitiser to the beneficiaries.
“It was so heartwarming to have been able to bless people less fortunate than ourselves; they were so excited about the shampoo in particular as it doubles up as body wash,” said Debbie Farah.

The Walking Tall with Pride Team comprises Jeff and Marie Ellis, Eric and Paulina Houniet and Anton Gilmore. Whilst each has their own life story and journey of gratitude, the common ground for all is the ability to give back. A more humble, dedicated and passionate group of people will be hard to find. Through their individual and collective networks, they look to bring some joy into the lives of those who have very little.

Debbie Farah added: “Thank you to everyone, I am proud to be part of a company that is interested in supporting those less fortunate than ourselves.”
Walking Tall with Pride represents pride and dignity, which they look to instil in each of the beneficiaries’ lives, and a sense of worth, belonging and hope for a better tomorrow.
Walking Tall with Pride is a great initiative. If you or your company want to help out for a worthy cause, we recommend supporting Walking Tall with Pride.

You can contact Walking Tall with Pride on their website or Facebook page.
We’d like to thank the media participants who helped create awareness of this worthy cause. If you want to read more, the Southern Courier and the Comaro Chronicle regularly cover Walking Tall with Pride.
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill
Antiseptol International Company (AIC) manufactures personal care products from its factory in Sebenza, Gauteng, South Africa. If you need a contract manufacturing partner to develop and manufacture your range of haircare or personal care projects, feel free to reach out to AIC. You can visit our website to reach us. All the ways you can contact us are on our contacts page.